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About Us

Helping children and orphans since 1997

encompassKidsâ„  began in 1997 as an outreach by Christ Memorial Church in Holland, Michigan. In 2017, due to growth and demand, it was incorporated as a US 501(c)3.


Our passion and focus is to change the destiny of kids and youth of South Africa from the current reality of poverty, abuse, addiction, and HIV to one of hope and spiritual, emotional, social, academic, and economic well-being.


With Courage Youth, encompassKidsâ„  trains, mentors, and equips children in the public high schools.


Through Setshabelo Family and Child Services (SFCS), encompassKidsâ„  mobilizes local churches and communities to provide adoption and family-based care for orphans and vulnerable children. All of this is done through South African staff and organizations.




1,188 Courage Youth Participants 

45 Adoptions

55 Foster Care Placements

2,200 Children received services

1470 Adults and Young Adults assisted

550 Families served.


Meet the Team

United States
Board of Directors
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Keabetsoe Sekoboto
Executive Director
Setshabelo Family and Child Services

Kaybe was instrumental in establishing the Setshabelo organization and appointed as its first Executive Director in 2014.  She holds Academic Degrees in Social Work and related studies and had previously worked for the South Africa Department of Social Development.  She is a natural team-builder and business-driven individual with significant background in Community Development; talented in developing partnerships, overseeing personnel, and developing tactical plans to meet strategic goals. She is a wife and mother of two daughters and a son.

Christina "Chris" Mokhachane
Managing Director
SAHAC Courage Youth

Chris was introduced to SAHAC in 2010, when her late husband, Barnard Mokhachane, joined the organization as a Managing Director. She later joined SAHAC Staff in 2012, offering emotional support to learners through counselling. She later headed the Compassion Platform as a manager. She holds a 4-year Diploma in General Nursing, Midwifery, Community Health and Psychiatric Health from Bonalesedi Nursing College. She later obtained a BA Degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, majoring in Psychology and Sociology.

She is a mother of three adult children and two grandchildren.

She has been a dedicated member of Grace Bible Church in Soweto for the past 40 years. Chris believes in the ability the youth have to change the future of South Africa. Their passion and energy are what the country needs to build a better tomorrow. All they need is a vision to live for, and to fight for.

South Africa Team

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Courage Youth Team
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430 E 8th Street #257

Holland MI,  49423

+1 616-990-4076


Rich Avink - Treasurer

Harold Vanden Bosch

Mary De Vries 

Dave Langworthy

Richard Poppe

Zeke Swift

Paul Scholten

Ty Tanis

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