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SEPTEMBER Prayer Requests

Prayer Laborers,

This month please pray for the Courage Youth ministry by function. Thank you for interceding on behalf of Courage Youth staff, platforms and, most importantly, Courage Youth learners. 

~ Courage Youth Lead Team, Life Coaches & Management Committee 

Lead Team


  • We thank God for the opportunity to work on building unity among Courage Youth staff members.


  • The courage to persist in building unity in the midst of challenges.

Life Coaches


  • We thank God for camp funding.  (In July we reported a $8,000 gap in funding for Courage Youth Leadership Camp for 60 learners in December and the need was quickly met by generous funders.)  


  • As we prepare for camp, we pray for God to grant us wisdom, revelation and direction on how to assist our learners on issues they face. 

  • At camp, may we be divine instruments in Jesus’ mighty name such that our learners will not remain the same but will grow in the love and fear of the Lord.

  • We come against the Enemy’s agenda to steal the destiny and assignments of our learners. The Lord says, “Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”  Isaiah 60:1-7



  • We thank God for the success of the Pregnancy Awareness campaign we conducted in our schools the past two months.  A total of 2,208 learners heard our message and were equipped with knowledge through the campaigns.


  • We are believing God that the learners will not only be hearers but doers of the Word resulting in no further teenage pregnancies in our schools this year.

  • We are praying that those who do fall pregnant will seek guidance and will not resort to termination.  (Mandisa Sentsho, our primary pregnancy awareness presenter, is now available to help learners who get pregnant at our seven schools regardless of Courage Youth membership.)



  • We thank God for learners who have completed their Career Liftoff Interest Inventory (CLii) assessments. 


  • Pray for the insightfulness of our Life Coaches as they review CLii results with learners.

  • Pray for a spirit of forgiveness, peace, love and unity amongst staff members.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and 

do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9


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430 E 8th Street #257

Holland MI,  49423

+1 616-990-4076


Rich Avink - Treasurer

Harold Vanden Bosch

Mary De Vries 

Dave Langworthy

Richard Poppe

Zeke Swift

Paul Scholten

Ty Tanis

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